Welcome Back

Welcome back!

 We hope you had a restful and festive winter break! We are so excited to start this new year with all of its possibilities at the PTA. We’re still committed to doing things as safely as possible, but we look forward to being able to open up more as many children receive vaccines and we begin to welcome back our online learners once again.

There’s lots to look forward to this year. We’ve got a reimagined Science Extravaganza that focuses on all the amazing ways we experience science in our everyday lives. In February, we’re teaming up with two other elementary schools to offer a can’t-miss Parent Education lecture about communicating to your kids about sex and sexuality. And we’re going to repeat our amazingly successful outdoor movie night in May, to bookend this unusual, but no less spectacular, school year.

 We hope you’ll join us at these events. We also hope you’ll stay connected with the PTA through our meetings, our advocacy work, our volunteer opportunities, and our membership drive. We have room and welcoming hearts for every parent, across the broad spectrum of time availability, who is curious about how to play a role in our collective work to make Moorlands an amazing place for our kids to learn and our community to thrive.

Happy New Year!

Nahal Dousti Li and Serenity Dillaway

Co-Presidents, Moorlands Elementary PTA